September 27, 2010

A Song For a Friend

Here's the song (click "play lo/hi-fi").


Ewing Sarcoma

By James Y. Shih

Ewing's not a friend of mine

He sits on your lower spine

He came out for the summertime

To take some of your time

I called you the other day

"Tell Ewing to go away"

Like a bad guest, he overstays

And sits on your bed

Ewing Sarcoma

He's been making you feel ill, we'll kill him together

Ewing Sarcoma

He'll be leaving soon and soon you'll get better

I heard on another day,

You're going through chemotherapy (chemo)

Sounds kinda bomb

Like Michael Rosenbaum

You are two in a million

You've got talent, you've got feeling (you’ve got feeling)

Across the sea I wrote this song to give you some healing (not sexual)

Ewing Sarcoma

He's been making you feel ill, we'll kill him together

Ewing Sarcoma

He'll be leaving soon and soon you'll get better.



Ewing Sarcoma

He's been making you feel ill, we'll kill him together

Ewing Sarcoma

He'll be leaving soon and soon you'll get better.

September 10, 2010

Mascots are Funny

Not too long ago, I was up on the hill snowboarding and took this picture of an interview:

They were interviewing a ski instructor on proper skiing techniques. Make note of the big critter in the back, a big possum mascot for a major Australian TV network.

I sat and watched with amusement. The crew started to make their way down the hill and sensing something might happen, I started to film.

I was happily rewarded: